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Our Staff

Alex Clary
Alex Clary, Refugee Housing & Resource Officer

He develops innovative long-term housing options for new ORR-eligible clients, to identify emergency housing assistance for refugees, asylees, humanitarian parolees and other newcomer communities in the state of Maine. He is responsible for the identification of resources, development of innovative models, assessment of needs, negotiation for better and more housing opportunities, planning and linking to resources, monitoring, evaluation, and support of local resettlement agencies' housing activities.

Bernard Katende
Bernard Katende, Refugee Mental Health Care Coordinator

Bernard works to ensure health care coordination and support are provided to newly arriving ORR-eligible populations with significant health conditions. He completes mental health distress screenings and social determinants of health assessments at three to four critical times during refugees’ first year of resettlement. This position works to assure newly arrived refugees and families are linked with appropriate mental-health and psychosocial resources and services in a timely way to optimize their outcomes.

Breeana Blalock
Breeana Blalock, Refugee Health Promotion Program Administrator

Breeana administers the Refugee Health Promotion Program (RHPP) to provide health literacy and navigation support to qualified refugee and ORR-eligible populations. Administration of the state RHPP entails supporting and monitoring subcontracted programs providing opportunities to increase health literacy, coordinate health care, and organizing wellness groups. Breeana coordinates with the public health department and works with local health care providers and ethnic community-based organizations to provide materials on the unique health concern facing refugees. 

Daniel Shipman
Daniel Shipman, Data Specialist I

He assists the State Refugee Database Administrator and Analyst with overseeing and coordinating refugee program data. He supports the data needs of OMRS and generates reports and queries for sub grantee end users of Client Track. He helps train, educate, and troubleshoot the needs of Client Track end users. He assists with preparing federal reports for submission to ORR and understanding the data needs and requirements for the reports.

Daria Rosen
Daria Rosen, RCA/RMA Eligibility Specialist

She is responsible for managing the provision of services to assist RCA eligible clients to attain self-sufficiency through short term cash assistance and referrals to employment services. She provides services related to the administration of Refugee Cash Assistance, screening, enrollment, eligibility determination of monthly cash assistance, and follow-up services.

Goreth Ingabire
Goreth Ingabire, Central Referral Unit Coordinator

She is a member of a team of professionals who provide support to incoming ORR-eligible populations who need access to services such as Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance, Refugee Medical Screening, and Refugee Support Services. She obtains referrals and reviews information provided by partner agencies.

Habib Gani
Habib Gani, RCA/RMA Program Manager

He is responsible for managing the provision of services to assist RCA eligible clients to attain self-sufficiency through short term cash assistance and referrals to employment services. He provides services related to the administration of Refugee Cash Assistance, screening, enrollment, eligibility determination of monthly cash assistance, and follow-up services.

Hassibullah Wardag
Hassibullah Wardag, GEAR Specialist for GEAR Statewide Afghan Services

He is responsible for foundational case management, cultural brokerage services, vocational counseling, job development, resource referrals, and employment placements for TANF enrolled refugee and asylee clients.

Inza Ouattara, EdD, MPPM
Inza Ouattara, EdD, MPPM, Maine State Refugee Coordinator

He coordinates and administers the federal refugee program in Maine and convenes the State Refugee Advisory Council. He develops and administer the refugee state plan.  He is the federal ORR’s primary contact for programmatic and fiscal compliance with federal regulations, policy, and program priorities. He creates and manages partnerships and engages local communities and collects and utilizes data for strategic program management while leveraging local, state, and national resources.

Jessica Shell
Jessica Shell, Budgeting, Contracts, and Grants Manager

She is responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of the OMRS Compliance and Contracts teams, while overseeing the distribution of federal funds allocated per service, per partner/provider. She ensures that all partners/providers are provided with contracts aligned to allocated federal funds and services available through each partners/providers unique programs. She also communicates with federal and state partners as well as local agencies and organization to assure compliance with grant agreement under 45 CFR 400. 

Kasia Kaczynski
Kasia Kaczynski, Refugee Medical Screening Data Specialist

She assists the State Refugee Health Coordinator and Data Team with overseeing and coordinating refugee medical screening program data. She supports the data needs of OMRS and collects and enters medical screening data of ORR-eligible population from the sub-contracted medical screening providers.

Kayla Olds
Kayla Olds, Administrative Assistant

Kayla assists the State Refugee Coordinator in the overall administration of the state refugee resettlement programs.

Michele Kouanzoua
Michele Kouanzoua, Team Leader for GEAR Biddeford Fedcap

As the team leader, she is responsible for foundational case management, cultural brokerage services, vocational counseling, job development, resource referrals, and employment placements for TANF enrolled refugee and asylee clients. She oversees development of trainings and workshops for refugees and agencies.

Omar Mahdi
Omar Mahdi, GEAR Specialist for Southern Portland Fedcap

He is responsible for foundational case management, cultural brokerage services, vocational counseling, job development, resource referrals, and employment placements for TANF enrolled refugee and asylee clients.

Regina Angelo
Regina Angelo, State Refugee Health Coordinator

Regina provides health expertise and ensures a holistic approach to refugee health services. She provides updated and inclusive information to resettlement agencies and medical providers, facilitates ongoing healthcare for new arrivals, works with resettlement agencies to provide health education, and builds partnerships and outreach throughout the medical community across the state to provide equitable and accessible health care for all refugees. 

Shervin Sabeti
Shervin Sabeti, State Refugee Database Supervisor

He is responsible for coordinating all refugee program data and for preparing federal reports for submission to ORR. He assists in preparing the annual State Plan and annual goal plans. He oversees and coordinates the refugee program data. He supports the data needs of OMRS by ensuring that the software is developed to best meet the needs of Client Track users. He works closely with both the OMRS Data Team and the partner end user to modify Client Track as reporting and tracking needs shift throughout the year.

Tara Ignatius
Tara Ignatius, GEAR Specialist

Tara works closely with new Mainer refugees who receive TANF, focusing on enhancing their ability to overcome obstacles, achieve economic self-sufficiency, and improve their overall social and economic wellbeing. She connects families with community resources, assists them in finding employment, and supports their educational opportunities.

Tristram Draper
Tristram Draper, Compliance Specialist

He is responsible for providing guidance and support to OMRS subcontractors for general compliance with standards and requirements. He is responsible for assisting OMRS in developing and implementing internal/external control systems based on sound practice and audit/oversight processes to monitor for and ensure compliance with the best practice standards.