General Assistance is financial assistance offered through the town hall in your town of residence. General Assistance can help with paying rent, utility bills (water, heat, electricity), or helping with a security deposit to secure housing. More information available here.
MaineHousing is the state housing agency that oversees all public housing programs in cooperation with city housing authorities. It is advised to sign up for MaineHousing’s programs well in advance, and that some housing programs have a long wait time for entering into each program.
If you have children enrolled in schools, school districts may be able to assist you by helping pay for missed rental payments, pay security deposits, or help pay utility bills through the State Pilot for Preventing Homelessness. Each district varies, so to understand the level of support they are able to offer, you will need to contact their McKinney-Vento Coordinator. Please use the McKinney-Vento Coordinator Contact Look-Up tool to find the contact information for your coordinator in your child’s school district.
If you find yourself without housing, please consult the list below from MaineHousing of all the emergency shelters located around Maine. You can also contact your resettlement agency for assistance. Current list of emergency shelters in the state.
For additional one-on-one housing assistance, you can look at applying for assistance with a housing navigator program. Housing Navigators can work with you to help you find and keep housing long term based on your goals and need. Please refer to the current list of organizations providing housing navigation.